Monday, January 15, 2007

Little Boy Blue

Little Boy blue, come blow your horn!
The sheep's in the meadow; the cow's in the corn
Where is the boy who looks after the sheep?
He's under the haystack, fast asleep.

In the interest of keeping my hair and my sanity in tact, I decided to create a little lovey poppet for my son, Hayden. He has a special fondness for fiddling with my hair and it has long ago driven me crazy. I decided that the Merino Superwash that I purchased from Rabbitch was just the thing to do it. It's a lovely variegated blue that she named "Blue Without You" and is quite soft. Apparently Blogger won't let me post photos right now, so I will think on what to do about that for a bit. Perhaps I will shove my boot up Blogger's A**.

By the by, I had a lovely visit with her yesterday and enjoyed hanging with the Muppet as well, or at least my four year old did!


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